Essay: On Turning One
(2016) In the States it is Memorial Day Weekend. If it’s Memorial Day Weekend it signifies so many things: it’s the unofficial commencement to summer, graduation parties are in full swing, the Indianapolis 500 is to be run, and most importantly, it’s a time for those in the United States to remember and reflect on those who served our country past and present.
For me it’s a small celebration too. One year ago today I decided to begin writing about the culture of cycling around me. I started with recollecting my Hell of Hunterdon ride, then my Sourland Semi-Classic ride, then it took off from there.
I’ve tried to stay true to my original goal, which is to never knock a product or event. There have been events in which I participated I did not review. One in particular still stands out when an ambulance came rolling toward the race in the opposite direction (and in the fastest portion of the course). There have been products I did not review because I did not find them in agreement with my goal.
I’ve tried to highlight the reasons why this area is ripe for challenging- but beautiful- cycling. Naturally this area is full of covered bridges and old schoolhouses. If I find a covered bridge that was also a schoolhouse I’d probably explode.
In one of the article I talked about numbers. As of right now 13,000 people from more than seventy countries have viewed the site. It currently features 119 articles, or one article every three days. This humbles me. I’m also aware that that’s not 13,000 different people, but still. Kurt Vonnegut insisted a writer must not waste a reader’s time. If I have repeat visitors, I must be making time enjoyable.
A blurry view of a beautiful road. Ridge Valley Road was surrounded by purple wildflowers and high grass. It was one of the most enjoyable moments of today's ride.
The cycling industry has been happy, too. Belgian Boys Club, Untapped Maple, Lazer Sport, Kermesse Sport, Homestead Coffee, and The Sufferfest have all talked about reviews. These are also humbling results. Hopefully the list will be added to over the next twelve months.
The site moved from a basic design to a professional design. Instagram and Google+ accounts have been added for a richer experience. There are plans to add to the experience through other social media accounts. It’s also witnessed a second writer being featured on the site.
This started out as- and continues to be- a hobby. This account is funded personally by yours truly. There are plans to expand this experience into the next sensation in the form of tactile. Other plans include reviewing kits from other countries. Also there are plans to expand to other rides and new locations. In the meantime I hope to continue to bring entertaining cycling culture to the forefront. And while you’re here, I’d like to thank you for reading. The fact the numbers go up each month inspire me to continue.
In the meantime, I think I’ll celebrate the one-year anniversary by doing what seems fitting: going for a ride with our hero, Mike, on some Bucks County gravel roads involving a covered bridge. That sounds right slick.